Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break

Ta Da! I's the Science Museum of Oklahoma!
...just some of the first floor

Leggo heaven!!

This tree was "born" in 1850!!

Choo, choo!! All aboard!!

"the biggest model train set ever"
oooooo, ahhhh!

sand spirograph- anything that involves a shovel, and he's in!

"weatherman" Cooper

giddyap turtle!

family fun!

Mommy and "John Deere"

how do I get down?

he loved this fish rocker at BPS..

good buffalo...!

This week, Cooper has been on spring break. We decided to take a mini vacation to OKC to go the the zoo, and the science museum. We drove up on Wednesday and went to the science museum first since we didn't get into town until 12:30. It was TOTALLY AWESOME!! It is very similar to the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock, just bigger-2 stories. It had a full scale dinosaur skeleton, huge 2 story treehouse/slide, model trains, airplanes, and lots of hands on "science stuff"! Cooper really liked the sand spirograph, leggos, and of course, the HUGE model train display! We spent about 4 hours there, he was sooo worn out from the drive and NO NAP! He just kept on going, and going, and going...the Energizer Bunny would have been so proud!
After the museum, we went to check in our hotel. We stayed at the Hampton in Midwest City. John had stayed there on several occasions when he was there during the ice storm, and when he had to go to meetings for OG&E. It was really nice, indoor pool, hottub.. Cooper was zonked out when we got there, so John and I got a short nap in too! Yea! When he woke up, I told Cooper that he could do the one thing I always loved to do at a hotel...jump on the bed!! (and NOT get in trouble for it!) He thought that was so cool! So he jumped, and jumped all the while singing " I jumping on the bed, jumping on the bed...!" He's really gotten into making up songs! When he got bored with that, we went to eat. We went to Cattlemen's Steakhouse-very good. Not much on the menu-steak, steak, chicken, steak ;) Oh, and something called lamb fries- yes, it IS what you think! I wasn't brave enough to try them! When we were leaving, there was a man who had a horse-drawn wagon that would take you to your car. Cooper just stared at the horse-it was HUGE! The man said Cooper could sit on the horse if he wanted, and, surprisingly, Cooper did it! He thought it was fun for about 5 seconds! After that, we went to the Bass Pro Shop, and again, Cooper was mesmerized by all the stuffed stuff! It was a very full, fun day!

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