Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break 2-The Zoo


bears, oh my! ;)


whatcha doin?..

the only elephant at the zoo!

jump sea lion, jump!

need a ride?
don't look behind you....!

this is what the zoo can do to you!

Day 2- Overcast, cold, drizzly....PERFECT zoo weather! ;) Well, it beats the weather that was coming-thunderstorms, then SNOW! What the? It was our last day, so we were kinda stuck with making the best of it. The OKC zoo, for those who haven't been there, is freakin huge! And, due to the weather I presume, the tram was NOT running. And, to my dismay, neither was the safari train!!! No zoo train?! I wanted to cry!!! :( The rain held off, though, for the most part, and we saw EVERYTHING! The sea lion show, giraffes, zebras, lions, tigers, bears, OH MY! (you knew I had to do it, quit groaning!) However, we DID NOT see the elephants-they were gone for the week. Apparently they go on periodic "dates" with the elephants at the Tulsa zoo! bown chicka bow wown!! They did have an animatronic dinosaur exhibit (which I almost forgot about, thanks honey!) it was pretty cool, way more artifacts than I expected (yeah, I'm a Discovery Channel geek at heart-comes from years of watching Nova with my dad!-that's pre-cable for all who don't know that show!) But, they" had Cooper at hello".... to the bounce-around! We, again, spent about 4 hours there. Again, we were exhausted. Having fun is really a lot of work! We got on the road after we ate lunch (at 2:30!) and beat the bad weather home. (much to my mom's relief!)

It felt good to sleep in my own bed last night!

Spring Break

Ta Da! I's the Science Museum of Oklahoma!
...just some of the first floor

Leggo heaven!!

This tree was "born" in 1850!!

Choo, choo!! All aboard!!

"the biggest model train set ever"
oooooo, ahhhh!

sand spirograph- anything that involves a shovel, and he's in!

"weatherman" Cooper

giddyap turtle!

family fun!

Mommy and "John Deere"

how do I get down?

he loved this fish rocker at BPS..

good buffalo...!

This week, Cooper has been on spring break. We decided to take a mini vacation to OKC to go the the zoo, and the science museum. We drove up on Wednesday and went to the science museum first since we didn't get into town until 12:30. It was TOTALLY AWESOME!! It is very similar to the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock, just bigger-2 stories. It had a full scale dinosaur skeleton, huge 2 story treehouse/slide, model trains, airplanes, and lots of hands on "science stuff"! Cooper really liked the sand spirograph, leggos, and of course, the HUGE model train display! We spent about 4 hours there, he was sooo worn out from the drive and NO NAP! He just kept on going, and going, and going...the Energizer Bunny would have been so proud!
After the museum, we went to check in our hotel. We stayed at the Hampton in Midwest City. John had stayed there on several occasions when he was there during the ice storm, and when he had to go to meetings for OG&E. It was really nice, indoor pool, hottub.. Cooper was zonked out when we got there, so John and I got a short nap in too! Yea! When he woke up, I told Cooper that he could do the one thing I always loved to do at a hotel...jump on the bed!! (and NOT get in trouble for it!) He thought that was so cool! So he jumped, and jumped all the while singing " I jumping on the bed, jumping on the bed...!" He's really gotten into making up songs! When he got bored with that, we went to eat. We went to Cattlemen's Steakhouse-very good. Not much on the menu-steak, steak, chicken, steak ;) Oh, and something called lamb fries- yes, it IS what you think! I wasn't brave enough to try them! When we were leaving, there was a man who had a horse-drawn wagon that would take you to your car. Cooper just stared at the horse-it was HUGE! The man said Cooper could sit on the horse if he wanted, and, surprisingly, Cooper did it! He thought it was fun for about 5 seconds! After that, we went to the Bass Pro Shop, and again, Cooper was mesmerized by all the stuffed stuff! It was a very full, fun day!

let them eat...bread

Last Sunday was beautiful, so we went to Well's lake to feed the ducks. What better way to get rid of some stale hotdog buns? ; )) After explaining that it was better to break the bread into LITTLE pieces, Cooper proceded to toss every last crumb into the water. The ducks ate to their hearts content, then, with bellys full, quacked happily, and swam off to find the next little kid with stale hotdog buns!!

Let's bowl!

Cooper and the birthday boy
finding just the right ball...

"patiently" waiting his turn!

Let's bowl!!

strike! strike! strike!

Ok, Cooper, just a little to the right...

bombs away!

Look at all the icing!!! YUMMO!


now....let's ride!

OK, so it's been a FEW days since my last post ;) but I think I, too, am a binge blogger!!! Anyway, last Saturday, we went to Will's 7th birthday party at Bowling World.... what a madhouse! His party, thankfully, was at 3:30, so we didn't have anyone breathing down our necks for our lanes! Cooper had a great time, of course. He was so cute to watch trying to get the ball down the lane. At first, he wanted to roll it by himself, but finally conceded to using the metal "mountain"! Can I tell you how hard it is to try to get 14 6 yr olds in line, keep their hands out of the ball return, and keep the game moving?!!! WITHOUT someone falling and getting hurt?! John and I tried our best to help Angel with this daunting task, but I think, in the end, the kids won! We were all exhausted by the time 5:00 rolled around! Nana saved the day later by watching Cooper so John, Billy, Angel, and I could go "recharge" ouselves with guac and Margaritas!! OLE!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rainy Saturday

The last few weeks have been pretty uneventful at the Anderson's. Hence the absence of blogging! (Hey, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) Today actually started unusually late- 9am! That's right, my early bird slept in until 9am! It probably helped that he didn't fall asleep until about 10 or 1030 last night! ;) So, with nothing on our agenda, we started our day off at the Pizza Parlour for lunch. (Cooper's/Daddy's pick!) After that we headed to Atwoods to take a gander at all the baby ducks, geese, chicks, of Cooper's favorite pastimes! After that, John decided we needed to check out the trolley museum downtown, don't have a clue where that one came from, but I was game! So, we proceded to take a ride on the "famous" Ft. Smith antique trolley! Cooper had a blast! I love that it takes so little to make him happy! It was pretty interesting-short, but interesting. I had never been on the trolley before, so it was my first time, too! And, of course, I did not have my camera! (I am so not a blogger! but I try!) After our "adventure", we checked out the St. Patty's parade on Garrison- SOOO lame! (sorry if I offend anyone, but it was!) We had already missed half of it, so the torture was short lived. We headed back home after that, and Cooper was out like a light before long! At any rate, it was something different to do! ( I sooo need to get out more! LOL!)

Monday, March 2, 2009

"I'm a big boy now!"

I'm a "big boy" now!!!

Little Cooperbear fast asleep...

Well, my baby is officially a "big boy"! Say it ain't so!!! Why does he have to grow up so fast? Well, anyway, while Cooper and I were in Conway this last weekend, John bought a new bedroom suit for Cooper! He got a grrreat deal! (He hit an estate sale! What a bargain shopper!) When I got home Sunday, Coop was still asleep, so John and I put it all together. When he got up, he was so surprised! He just grinned, and proceeded to jump up on the bed and jump, jump, jump! I know, I will have to break him of that eventually, but it was so cute! He had no trouble sleeping all night in his new digs, so mamma happy! Now I need to find some cute bedding!

Hailey's 1st Birthday

What to eat first?

Cooper and Papa


Pretty cake...not for long!

Birthday Girl!

Last Saturday, Cooper and I went to Conway for my niece Hailey's 1st birthday party. (Hailey is my brother Tony's youngest). We had a great time, lots of kids running around, screaming, playing, etc.. Hailey is such a cutie pie! She is so little, but has no trouble keeping up with all the other kiddos. I really enjoyed getting together with my family, not often are we all in one place at the same time. Need to do it more! Yet another resolution!