Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break 2-The Zoo


bears, oh my! ;)


whatcha doin?..

the only elephant at the zoo!

jump sea lion, jump!

need a ride?
don't look behind you....!

this is what the zoo can do to you!

Day 2- Overcast, cold, drizzly....PERFECT zoo weather! ;) Well, it beats the weather that was coming-thunderstorms, then SNOW! What the? It was our last day, so we were kinda stuck with making the best of it. The OKC zoo, for those who haven't been there, is freakin huge! And, due to the weather I presume, the tram was NOT running. And, to my dismay, neither was the safari train!!! No zoo train?! I wanted to cry!!! :( The rain held off, though, for the most part, and we saw EVERYTHING! The sea lion show, giraffes, zebras, lions, tigers, bears, OH MY! (you knew I had to do it, quit groaning!) However, we DID NOT see the elephants-they were gone for the week. Apparently they go on periodic "dates" with the elephants at the Tulsa zoo! bown chicka bow wown!! They did have an animatronic dinosaur exhibit (which I almost forgot about, thanks honey!) it was pretty cool, way more artifacts than I expected (yeah, I'm a Discovery Channel geek at heart-comes from years of watching Nova with my dad!-that's pre-cable for all who don't know that show!) But, they" had Cooper at hello".... to the bounce-around! We, again, spent about 4 hours there. Again, we were exhausted. Having fun is really a lot of work! We got on the road after we ate lunch (at 2:30!) and beat the bad weather home. (much to my mom's relief!)

It felt good to sleep in my own bed last night!

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