Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back to normal....sorta

OK, so I am no better at blogging than I am at emailing! It's been more than a week, and I am FINALLY posting. Lots has been going on...I was sick(again-no luck with the "24 hr bug"-more like"3 day bug"!), then John, then Cooper again(with a cough this time) we see a trend? Oh, yeah, now I can't stop coughing! Calgon, take me away! Could be worse, I need to stop griping.
We weathered the ICE STORM 2009 fairly well. And, sorry Ang, I am no better at reading my peeps' blogs than I am at posting, or I would have offered to put you and D up for the night! HK isn't the only one who loves you! ; ) oh, and Meatball, too! Anyway, we didn't ever lose our power (not trying to rub it in! just lucky!), but Coop and I got to spend some quality time together. My office was closed Tuesday due to no power, and Wednesday 'cause of slick roads, so I got to "play playdough" with Coop, we did some art, read some books, watched some "Nogins" as Coop likes to say. Wed. I started getting sick, so I took a couple Benadryl. BIG mistake! I should have known better, it totally knocked me out! Cooper kept saying "wake up, Mommy...wanna play playdough with me?" Even in my almost comatose state, it was too cute to resist! But, like all good things, our snow/ice days came to an end. We went back to normal routine today. John, on the other hand, is still working 12 hr days at OG&E. The guys are all working really hard to get everyone's power back on. A couple crews are going north to help according to John. I hate that he is having to work so much, but OT....come to mama! We sure can use the extra $. who couldn't?!
On a sadder note, Angie told me that Dr. Rex Russell died today. He was such a wonderful person. I worked with Dr. Russell at Sparks several yrs ago. I hadn't seen him in a long time, but will not soon forget him. I ask that all who read this, even though most of you never knew him, say a prayer for his family. I know they need all that they can get. I know that Dr. Russell is in a better place, and most certainly, smiling down on us all. He always had a smile on his face. He will be greatly missed.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sick Days

Well, it was only a matter of time...we've been hit with the dreaded stomach bug! Cooper woke up @ about 2:30 am Wednesday morning saying "my belly hurting", not more that 2 seconds after that, John had to change his shirt! if ya know what I mean ; ) We really have to work on making it to the bathroom faster! Anyway, 2 more clothes changes later, I was heading off to work, and "Dr. Daddy" was tending to our patient. I stayed with Coop today, and, of course (wink, wink), he was feeling much better! Luckily it has lasted only 24 hours (so far!). I am so glad, 'cause I can't stand it when my baby's not feeling good. We had a lot of fun today, actually-Playdough, reading books, watching Cars and Nemo (for the bagillionth time each!). I also got a special treat...Cooper loves to brush my hair! go figure! He gets every brush, comb and pick he can find, pulls up his little step and tells me to "sit here" and "hold still, please"! It is the sweetest thing! Inevitably, my hair all ends up being brushed over my eyes, and Cooper giggles uncontrollably! I love every minute! Cherish each moment... in sickness and in health doen't only apply to wedding vows! Hope everyone else stays healthy!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Miss Dylan's Birthday Party

O.K. My computer and camera played nice tonight, so here are some pics from Dylan's party. Not any of Cooper playing games, 'cause if I would've took the time to raise my camera, that kid would've taken off like a shot! Too many kids in there that day, too much trouble to get into! ( I know, I'm a fun hater ; ) Had a great time, and as a bonus, when we left Coop was out like a light before we even made it to Rogers Ave. !!! Yea naps!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fun Start to '09

Well, 2009 has started out fun for me and my crew! First, Cooper and I went to a super fun birthday party at Chuck E Cheese! Miss Dylan had her 3rd ( I still can't belive she's 3! ) birthday party there, Cooper had a blast. He was especially mesmerized by the animatronic musicians (not sure what their names are since, so far, I have managed to avoid CEC for the most part!). He didn't love, however, when the "real" Chuck came out to say hi! Not many of the kids did. I have a really cute pic of Coop and the BDay Girl, but, of course, my camera and computer are not playing nice tonight. I'll post it later.
Next in line of fun stuff for the start of the year was the monthly BUNCO party!!! Yea! I hosted this month. Not all of us were feeling up to par, some had sick kiddos, but, all in all, I think it was a success. As usual, I had no luck, but laughed it up just the same. I've got to say, I have truly enjoyed being part of this group! I had forgotten how fun it is to get together with "the girls" and just have fun! Jenninfer M is supposed to email me some pics from that night, so I'll post them later, too.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, I finally did it... I created a blog! After much encouragement from my "blogger" friends, I succumbed to the pressure and took the plunge. I figure that with the start of a new year, what better time? I am still in the learning process, so I hope to improve over time.